about me.
about susan.
Susans yoga has merged with the sacred womens work of motherhood and her daily practice lies in juggling many endeavors!
What started as a side hustle to pay her way through undergrad and post-graduate studies soon became a passion in and of itself and led way to 15 years experience managing restaurants, bars and yoga studios and eventually the amazingly fulfilling opportunity to design menus, train staff and open dozens of cold-pressed juice bars and health food cafes in 4 states and 2 countries.
Susans curiosities have led her to deep-dive into several different living experiences throughout the years. Fully steeping herself into a raw vegan lifestyle, juice + water fasting, Ayurveda, Macrobiotics and eventually (thank goodness!) finding equanimity with the discovery of local eating and the power of fermentation. Susans passion became supporting clients on their path to finding their own balance.
These days the work relies heavily on softening the mind, tapping into Spirit and learning how to align the body and mind with natural rhythms. Simply by respecting the importance of soil quality, beneficial bacteria and living in community with the seasons and environment, clients begin to find peace and effortlessly shed limiting belief systems.
As a certified nutritionist and lactation educator who leads prenatal yoga, women's yoga, philosophy and classical Hatha yoga classes Susan finds ways to integrate these passions of yoga, nutrition and balance while dwelling in that sweet (sometimes chaotic) space between being an entrepreneur and mom.
Susan has studied Sanskrit Mantra for many years one-to-one with her beloved teachers Dr. M.A. Jayashree of Mysore, India, Satyabhama and the late Namadeva Ashley-Farrand. She teaches classical recitation of Vedic texts as well as how to integrate mantra into a daily living experience.
All of Susans work is steeped in gratitude for creative flow constantly seeking ways of radiating from the inside out.
Oh! and one last tiny little thing... Susan is the creator and founder of Radiate Miami. An organic locally sourced kombucha!!